Languages Supported by Github/Gitlab Markdown

``` ruby
this = "Ruby Code"
puts "This is #{this}"

Github uses Linguist to perform language detection and syntax highlighting. Here a list of common languages that can be used with the backtick (see full list in Linguist – languages.yml).

  • actionscript3
  • apache
  • applescript
  • asp
  • brainfuck
  • c
  • cfm
  • clojure
  • cmake
  • coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee
  • cpp – C++
  • cs
  • csharp
  • css
  • csv
  • bash
  • diff
  • elixir
  • erb – HTML + Embedded Ruby
  • go
  • haml
  • http
  • java
  • javascript
  • json
  • jsx
  • less
  • lolcode
  • make – Makefile
  • markdown
  • matlab
  • nginx
  • objectivec
  • pascal
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • python
  • profile – python profiler output
  • rust
  • salt, saltstate – Salt
  • shell, sh, zsh, bash – Shell scripting
  • sql
  • scss
  • sql
  • svg
  • swift
  • rb, jruby, ruby – Ruby
  • smalltalk
  • vim, viml – Vim Script
  • volt
  • vhdl
  • vue
  • xml – XML and also used for HTML with inline CSS and Javascript
  • yaml